Monday, May 31, 2010

Yee Peng Festival 2006

Stumbled upon this photo last night while looking for fun photos on the web.... I just found it really inspiring and beautiful... One day I would like to go to this festival!

Loy Krathong, San Sai, Thailand.

A cool Video of the Loy Krathong, San Sai, Thailand Lantern Festival

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I've been in Melbourne this weekend for my uncles wedding. We weren't staying in the centre but managed to get into the city for a couple of hours yesterday before it all began. Love this city! We went to the Vic markets and didn't really have heaps of time but got to the art gallery for about 1/2 hour to see a bit of the European Masters Exhibition. I think my fave painting was a Monet that I'd actually already seen in Sydney last year when the Gallery of NSW had his exhibition.

It's always fun hanging with my brother who I personally consider one of the most creative people I know. He's recently been asked by a friend to illustrate a childrens book/novel cover. We were talking a bit about art and other creative outlets and expressions. He hasn't been doing as much art lately but he made a comment that I thought was pretty cool.
He said ' I find just being with people is creative'. I like that.

Melbourne is a cool city but the highlight of the weekend was hanging out with my fam... not too often we all get together these days. The ceremony was lovely.

Quote of the night came from (86 year old) Grandpa who back in the day was a quantus pilot (he came down by plane from Sydney on friday morning). When someone asked him if he flew down, he answered "Gosh no, I haven't been flying for years!!!" (he was thinking they thought he'd piloted the plane).

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spirit Art

The first Mind Body Spirit Festivals for 2010 is on this weekend in Sydney. I'm a part of a Christ centred spiritual community that has a booth called Christolight at the festival. We offer spiritual encounters, supernatural healing, dream interpretation and destiny words. One thing that we love and highly value in our community is beauty and creativity, so as a part of the decorations for the booth we have included several original spiritual/prophetic artworks.
It's been really cool to see the way the spirit has used these images to impact, encourage and bless people. At Melbourne last year we had a woman come into the booth who was watching our team on the stage, she received a destiny word about the spirit of Christ unlocking creativity in her life she then got a picture/vison. When she later came to the booth for some more healing prayer she was amazed to see the picture of 'The Dreamer' and told us that she had just received a vision of this painting while at the stage.

These are some of the works I painted for the booth.

'The dreamer' 2008

'Healing Angel' 2008

'Rain' 2008

Monday, May 10, 2010

Reckless Abandon

Woo hoo I have a blog... who would have ever thought?! Definitely not me !! hahaha
I'm feeling kinda excited all of a sudden!!! Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see if i can actually keep going with it : )